torsdag 24 december 2015

tisdag 1 december 2015

y0. Some traditional stuff, been doing much wassercoluur which is really fun
Stay bacon

torsdag 24 september 2015

y0, another one, I'm thiking of uploading some more cool stuff, but right now I'm quite busy for such nonsense hehe. 
Stay bacon

måndag 14 september 2015

y0, I havn't forgot this place I've just been very busy...promise <3
Anyway I did this while studying some stuff animation wasn't one of em tho.
Stay bacon.

tisdag 10 februari 2015

This one was a bit too cool for the other ones hehe.
Stay bbacon
Here are some new stuff, not to much tho since I've been working moar on "Sagor" and also doing much moar studies which I find very giving. 
Stay bbacon